Invertebrate Expedition £12.99


Dive into the captivating world of “Invertebrates: Paraphyletic Group Of Animals,” an enthralling and educational illustration book designed specifically for curious young minds aged 7 and above. Bursting with colorful imagery and fascinating facts, this 80-page exploration is an invitation to discover the incredible diversity and uniqueness of invertebrates – a group of animals that make up more than 95% of all known species on Earth!


Explore the incredible world of invertebrates—animals without backbones! From the intricate exoskeletons of beetles to the graceful tentacles of octopuses, invertebrates encompass a vast array of creatures. These spineless wonders thrive in every corner of our planet, whether hidden in the soil, floating in the sea, or buzzing in the air. Each invertebrate boasts unique adaptations, from the brilliant camouflage of certain insects to the astounding regeneration abilities of starfish. Uncover their diverse habitats, discover their fascinating life cycles, and delve into the ways they contribute to our ecosystem. Journey through the world of invertebrates to witness nature’s remarkable diversity!


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